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Prison Lost Place Joliet Illinois USA

Illinois, USA: Old Joliet Prison on Route 66

What there is to see on Route 66 in Illinois! I could have spent weeks more driving along “The Mother of Roads” and discovering small and large towns and their stories. This trip was just full of surprises, like in Joliet, where I suddenly found myself quite unexpectedly in a fascinating lost place: the Old Joliet Prison.

old joliet prison

Joliet, the Heritage Corridor and Route 66

Our very first stop from Chicago, where the famous Route 66 starts, was Joliet, just a few kilometers away. Joliet is part of the Heritage Corridor, an area around the Illinois and Michigan canal that connects the Great Lakes from Chicago to the Mississippi River. The Heritage Corridor is primarily a popular recreation area with many opportunities for outdoor activities. By the way, the Joliet Area Historical Museum and its Route 66 Welcome Center, which showcases the history of the area, are a great way to get in the mood for a drive along Route 66.

Welcome to my travel blog!

Hey, I’m Tatiana and I’m the blogger behind The Happy Jetlagger. Since 2014, I’ve been sharing my personal travel stories on this blog. I don’t have a big team behind me, so I’m pretty much a one-person show: I’ve researched and tested all recommendations myself!

Lost Place: The insider tip Old Joliet Prison

But the real attraction – and really only recently officially open to visitors at all – is the old Joliet Correctional Center (also: Illinois State Penitentiary), a prison built in 1858 that was still in operation until 2002, believe it or not. Then the new prison opened across the street, inmates and guards moved. What remained was an abandoned building, left to decay – and now a dream for all photographers in search of atmospheric lost places.

old prison joliet illinois usa

The old jail in Joliet – How to get in?

Entering without permission is, of course, strictly forbidden, but in the meantime the city administration has given in to the increasing interest and offers guided tours.

Book a tour of the Old Joliet Prison

staircase in old joliet prison

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Old Joliet Prison & Hollywood

The Old Joliet Prison, however, was a popular setting even when it was in operation, not only for photos, but also for major Hollywood movies and series! Our tour guide proudly showed us John Belushi’s cell from Blues Brothers, and we were not allowed to go any further without first having a photo taken of us in the cell. But the Old Joliet Prison is also a popular filming location in more recent productions!

If you have watched the series“Prison Break“, the prison facility will look familiar to you: The Old Joliet Prison served as the set here too! In the series, the prison was given the name“Fox River State Penitentiary“, where one of the two main characters, Lincoln Burrows, is wrongly serving a prison sentence, while his brother Michael Scofield does everything he can to free him.

Old prison – many stories

You can still sense an oppressive atmosphere in many places. Many cells are still in their original condition as they were left, with bars and the cold, metal sanitary equipment still there. A shiver ran down my spine by the thought that 20 years ago prisoners have still been incarcerated here.

old cell in old joliet prison illinois usa

The atmosphere throughout the facility is gloomy, and I wouldn’t want to know how many creepy stories these thick walls have witnessed.

Old Joliet Prison: Is it worth it?

Unique as a photo backdrop anyway, the visit to Joliet Prison was absolutely worth seeing. Due to the dilapidated condition and the unclear further use of the huge area, be sure to inquire about the current state of affairs beforehand. And: Don’t get any stupid ideas to visit the prison on your own, the area is monitored by the local police. You don’t want to end up in the other prison across the road :)

fence around old joliet prison illinois usa

More about Route 66:

I was invited on this research trip to Illinois by Enjoy Illinois.

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